Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dress Code

I want to discuss the dress code. The dress code is the "Student Appearance" section in the student handbook. One specific part of the dress code I would like to address is the length of shorts and/or skirts. I want to know what you guys think.
The rule states, "shorts and skirts may be worn; however, extremely short garments are not permitted. The hem line of shorts and skirts must be at least finger-tip length when worn by students". Do you think this rule is fair? I know that a lot of clothing designed to be worn by young people is short. It is the style. I personally think that the rule is fair. In my opinion we are here for education, not necessarily a fashion show. Maybe I am just old.
I know that students want to look good when they come to school. I also know that the way you look says a lot about who you are. Freedom of expression, right? Some students, however think that by wearing revealing clothing it gets them attention. I think that the attention they get is often the wrong kind of attention. I have heard rude comments made by students about other students and their dress. The way we dress says nothing about who we are or what we stand for.
Now you know how I feel about the dress code. I think it is fair and appropriate. Here is your chance to let all of us know how you feel about it.


  1. I agree with you on this one. While I don't care what other girls my age wear, if I ever see my sister wearing clothes that violate the school dress code, I might have a heart attack...so yes, I agree with the dress code, it helps keep school "school appropriate" and teaches people what is acceptable in public, when they get out into the "real world".

  2. I agree 100% with the shorts/skirts rule. However I do not think that it is enforced very well. In our school if you are popular you can wear whatever you want and not have a word said to you. This bugs me. Some of my friends who follow the dress code get told that they are not just because they are not in the "popular group". The "popular people" wear short shorts that are way under fingertip length and have nothing said to them. If our school has this rule they should enforce it with everybody not just certian students.

  3. I agree that the enforcement of the dress code should be uniform. As a teacher it bothers me to see other teachers who do not enforce the rules. It is not fair to enforce for some but not others. We have to be fair to everybody. If a student notices that another student is violating and getting away with it,he or she can report it. A student can go to a teacher that he or she trusts and quietly tell the teacher. The teacher can then take care of the issue.
