Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mr. Woodman's Neighborhood

Hello All,
My name is Mr. Woodman. I am a new teacher here at Maple Valley. I have created this blog for anybody who wants to discuss anything Maple Valley. I am happy to discuss any Maple Valley sports, or extra curricular activities. For students in my classes this is where you can go for answers to questions and/or get information. I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you.

Ground Rules:
I am happy to discuss anything of interest. I will not allow any abusive or inappropriate language. If what you want to say is inappropriate for use in school, it is inappropriate to use here. For my students this is a classroom.

I am excited to hear from you, the students at Maple Valley. If you have a topic of discussion, please feel free to introduce it and we can discuss it. Please remember be respectful.

The first thing I would like to discuss is... What do the students of our school think about somebody smashing our sign? The sign is expensive and the school will have to use money to fix it. Money that could be spent on better things.


  1. The people who broke it should buy a new sign. They shouldn't be mean and just break the sign.

    Arden Burd
    3rd hr Plant and Animal Biology

  2. I also think they should have to pay for it. I think a lot of our schools attention should be on finding out who it was and procecute them on their actions.

    McKaily Bodenmuller
    2nd hour English 1A

  3. How could we prosecute them? Should the school offer a reward for whoever tells on who did it? Do you think people would report it for money?

  4. I Believe the students who broke the sign should have to help pay for it and do other things to help the school on their time to improve our schools.

    Cody Sivyer
    5th hour Earth Science

  5. I believe that the student(s) or person who broke the sign should have to help pay for it, if the school does want to find out who did it the best thing for them to do would be to find out who did it even if the school has to offer a reward for somebody to tell. We could've used that money on stuff for classrooms, offices, band, atheletic, ect. and I don't think its fair that the rest of the school must suffer for people making a bad choice and a huge mistake...and yes everbody makes mistakes but they should just face up to them.

    Alexis Lamance
    2nd Hour 9th Grade English (Mr. Carpenter)

  6. I'm really mad at whoever did it because now our school is going to have to take money out of our budget just to fix it. It was a stupid thing to do expecially if they go to the school because everyone could and will be affected. Now no one going by the school will know about activites and other important stuff going on. If anyone has even the slightest idea about who did it they should tell the principal or the vice principal.

    -Jessica Rushford 2nd hour English and 3rd hour Plant and Animal Biology

  7. I agree one hundred percent. I have heard many people complain about our school not having nice stuff. When we do get a nice sign that was very expensive, sombody destroyed it.

  8. What if it wasnt somebody from our school. Just think if you have watched highschool stories on MTV all the pranks that they do they end up getting in trouble. i know that we dont have that big of a school but things like that would still spread like wildfire. you might ask yourself why might having a big school effect how something like this would spread and i think a bigger school more people to tell the more the temtation you have to tell someone. i do think that the person that did this should come foward, tell, and face the consquinces of their actions.
    take this into mind a group of non maple vallieans get drunk and think that it would be a good idea to go and smack the sign thing outside of our school. they hop into the car and stop, get out of the car wobble over to the sign thing and give it a smack.
    I just dont think that someone form maple valley would do such a thing.

    It's just my opinion - Tommy Mudge 3rd and 4th hour

  9. I hope you are right that nobody from Maple Valley would damage our sign. I am going to chose to believe that is was outsiders who wanted to break our sign. By the way, have you seen the new sign? It is awesome, very high tech.

  10. yeah i did see the sign its better!
    Tommy Mudge
